In an increasingly web-based world, the homepage of your website has become extremely important. Have you done a website audit of your website homepage? Press play to listen to our […]
What Steps You Should Take To Ensure Your WordPress Website Is Secure
Website Security: an often overlooked factor when considering your new website. It is vitally important though! A compromised, or hacked, website can bring utter terror to your business, organization, or […]
Leading the Cause with Website Redesign
Adapting to the current culture is key in staying relevant. Throughout the years of developing the Lead the Cause site, our team has researched & curated design trends to stay […]
PIXL Launches D2S site for Spanish Speakers
Dare2Share is known for their gospel advancing message and the encouragement they provide to students to be bold in their faith. Recently, our team had the opportunity to help launch […]
Pixl Habla Español
Our team has partnered with Dare2Share on multiple projects over the past years, so when Dare2Share proposed an idea about Spanish websites in order to share the gospel, we were […]
Why UI/UX is ruling the world
Designing and developing anything of consequence is incredibly challenging. – Jonny Ive The great paradigm in design is that it involves a variety of disciplines which are ever-changing based on […]
The simplicity of design
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci Quotes are great for inspiration, but if simplicity is sophisticated then doesn’t that contradict? The best way we know how to […]