The Shack is a brilliant book that takes a deeply creative look at how an individual reconciles brutal tragedy with the idea of a loving God. Recently turned into a […]
Do you ever use Microsoft Excel for Website Design?
This was quite a unique week for me. We had major deadlines as a company that we had to hit in order to relaunch a site of one of our […]
Leading the Cause with Website Redesign
Adapting to the current culture is key in staying relevant. Throughout the years of developing the Lead the Cause site, our team has researched & curated design trends to stay […]
PIXL Launches D2S site for Spanish Speakers
Dare2Share is known for their gospel advancing message and the encouragement they provide to students to be bold in their faith. Recently, our team had the opportunity to help launch […]
Pixl Habla Español
Our team has partnered with Dare2Share on multiple projects over the past years, so when Dare2Share proposed an idea about Spanish websites in order to share the gospel, we were […]
Here’s to the Crazy Ones
Steve Jobs was a mastermind of communication and marketing. His vision, passion, and creative mind is one that has helped propel Apple into the most successful company on earth. Watch […]
3 ways to inspire creativity
“Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things” – Ray Bradbury Creativity […]